Tech Note: Automatic SLIP or PPP and HTTP restart under Windows NT

I run a web server under Windows NT over a SLIP connection and my phone line occasionally drops during the day. I have worked out a way to get my server to restart unattended. This was harder than I thought! I ran across several stumbling blocks:
  • The Remote Access service will redial automatically but, if you are using SLIP, won't login without waiting for me to press a Done button. Answer: use the RASDIAL command line program.
  • The RASDIAL program doesn't redial when the line drops. Answer: write a batch file which checks the connection every so often and redials if it is down.
  • Couldn't find a way to check the connection from a batch file, e.g. Ping hangs up if RAS is up but the connection is down. Answer: write a simple program called RASUP which does this.
  • Even if the connection is re-established, the EMWACS HTTPS server doesn't start responding again. This causes a problem even if you are using the auto-redial feature of PPP under RAS. Answer: use the net command to stop and restart the service.

Here's how it works. I leave this batch file running in a command prompt window. Every 60 seconds it checks to see if my RAS connection is active. If there is no connection, it redials and then restarts the HTTP server.

if errorlevel 1 goto done
rasdial TIAC
net stop "Http server"
sleep 5
net start "Http server"
sleep 60
goto top
  • TIAC is the name of my login script.
  • I found the sleep program with the posix utilities in the NT 3.5 resource kit (available from Microsoft's FTP site).
  • I had to insert a short pause between stopping and starting the HTTP service

Here's the source to the rasup program I wrote. I'm a rusty coder, don't be harsh! The RAS.H include file comes with the Win32 SDK from Microsoft.

/* rasup.c
   Command line utility to see if any Remote Access Service
   connections are active. 
   Exit status=1 if any are active, otherwise 0.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ras.h>

VOID main()
    RASCONN rasconnbuf;
    DWORD   cb = sizeof(RASCONN);
    DWORD   ret;
    DWORD   numConn;

    Required to provide buffer size
    rasconnbuf.dwSize = sizeof(rasconnbuf);

    Retrieve info about first active connection (I only have one - change this if you have more)
    ret = RasEnumConnections(&rasconnbuf,&cb, &numConn);

    if ((numConn == 0) | ret) {
	printf("No connection, status 0");
    else {
	printf("Active connection, status 1");
If you want this program, here it is, as-is with no guarantees. I have only used this on NT 3.5 and NT 3.51 for Intel. If you improve it (ideas: remove the batch file and implement the whole thing as a service) or if you have a simpler way to keep an NT HTTPS server up and running, please email me!

P.S. A thank-you to Robert Reconnu,, for giving me the net command syntax (I previously used the SC utility from MS VC++), and for verifying that this technique works with a PPP.

Reed Sturtevant <>
Last update: December 28, 1995
Sturtevant Technotes