Reference materials
- New York
Botanical Garden plant types catalog with photos
- InterNIC central Internet
organization including searchable
registration databases
- AT&T searchable 800 numbers
database and Americom's Area
Code & Country Code lookup service
- Nynex US Yellow Pages
- All-in-One listing of
searchable resources
- US Postal Service Zip Code lookup
and another Zip Codes
- US Library of Congress
- Encyclopedia Britannica Online
- Cornell Law School, incl.
Supreme Court decisions
- searchable Bartlett's
- Webster
searchable dictionary server
- American Memories Project
historical photos and movies from the Library of Congress
- UCI Libraries
- Bodleian Library
- Internet Wiretap, many
books and poems online
- Project
Gutenberg, literature in the public domain
- The Oxford Text Archive
has over 1,400 texts in 30 languages
- Project Bartleby,
Columbia University's online classics
- Complete
works of Shakespeare hosted by The Tech at MIT
- Greek and Latin Classics
184 works by 17 authors, in English translation, again hosted by The Tech
at MIT
- Online classics, at
Virginia Tech
- British Poetry,
1780 - 1910, Online Archive
- Fin Web
- CIA fact
- Census, etc.
- Xanadu
- Classics,
U. Mich.
- Web
Elements (periodic table)
- Soviet
- California
legal code
- Louvre
- Dead
Sea scrolls
- Beowulf
- Planet Earth, NASA
- Principia Cybernetica project
- Cardiff Movies database,
searchable archive
- Shoemaker-Levy
9 comet images via NASA
- Information
law repository
- List of Library
Catalogs searchable on the Internet
- The Getty Art
History Information Program (AHIP) including searchable
- Edmunds
Price Guides including US dealer invoice prices for cars and options.
- Thomas Register of North
American Manufacturers
- MicroPatents US patent search
- Shadow Patent Office, another
US patent search service
- Banker
& Tradesman searchable Real Estate transactions, look up selling
prices of real estate in New England since 1993
- Regulatory Fish
Encyclopedia Wonderful searchable fish image database - know what you
are buying in the supermarket!
- Thinker, largest collection of fine arts images on the Web (San Francisco art museums)
Reed Sturtevant <>
Last update: November 5, 1996
Sturtevant Home Page