Interactive sites

These web servers don't provide access to stored information, but rather, let you interact with some computing program or even with physical devices.

  • List of Interactive sites

  • Visible Human interactively select and view slices of a real body
  • Say Number You type a number, the server sends you an audio stream which speaks the number in English.
  • The Geometry Center Interactive graphics programs demonstrating various algorithms.
  • Tarot reading deals three cards on request.
  • Carlos' Coloring book you select a color and click on a point in an image to "paint by numbers" over the Web
  • NAISMap geographical information system.
  • Postcard mailer from Megadeath system
  • Where Am I ? You provide an IP address or hostname and get a map showing the location of that address.

  • Telerobot remote control robot arm
  • Interactive 3D renderer and image processing
  • Mercury you control a robot arm and "dig" for artifacts (no longer in operation)
  • Anagram Generator, type in a phrase and see anagrams

    Chat (real time conversation) Sites

  • Skateboarding chat site

    Live images from remote sites

  • The famous Trojan Room Coffee Machine in Cambridge, England
  • Adam Green's links to camera sites
  • Iguana Cam live images
  • Steve's Ant Farm open daily from 11am to 5pm EST
    Reed Sturtevant <> Last update: January 17, 1996
