A letter from James McIninch, Lexington High School Class of '89

Date sent:        Sun, 09 Apr 95 19:08:00 -0400
From:             James McIninch 
To:               reed@sturtevant.com
Subject:          LHS CLass of '89...
Mr Sturtevant,

After speaking with a couple of friends of mine that I graduated with from LHS, I've decided to put together my own page for the LHS class of 1989. The URL for the LHS Class of '89 page is:

.. in the future, I'll probably change the URL to http://exon.gatech.edu/LHS89, but not until there's been a reasonable show of interest.

I stumbled across your entry while checking to see if there were any WWW servers with info about Lexington and have followed a number of links at your site and am impressed. I understand that you are on the Townwide Educational Technology Committee, as well you should be.

In any event, I wanted to ask you if you'd consider placing a link to the LHS Class of '89 page on your site somewhere. Perhaps some of my old classmates will stumble across it in their net.travels.

One more thing... If I can offer any sort of support to your committee in anyway, please let me know. I am currently working on my PhD in biology her e at Tech and will likely be here for another couple of years. I'm also the sys-admin for this cluster of SPARCStations and the webmaster for them.

Thanks again,


Reed Sturtevant <reed@sturtevant.com>

Last update: April 12, 1995